Sunday , September 8 2024

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APT trends report
APT trends report for Q3 2023

The Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) at Kaspersky has published quarterly summaries of advanced persistent threat (APT) activities for over six years. These summaries are based on our threat intelligence research and give a snapshot of what we have published in our private APT reports. They aim to highlight …

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Google announces DigiKavach to prevent financial frauds

Google has launched ‘DigiKavach’, a system that detects and warns about financial fraud. It identifies patterns of fraud and stops them before they cause damage. Google announced at its ‘Google for India’ event that it will use a collaborative and proactive approach to share knowledge and insights with their partners …

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Who got Banggabandhu international cyber security award?

This is for the first time in Bangladesh Banggabandhu international cyber security award held at a hotel on thursday (19.10.23). The program jointly organized by Digital security agency DSA, Bangladesh High tech park and UNDP. In four category, one person and five institutions have been awarded this year for Banggabandhu …

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