Friday , October 18 2024


RDRS To assist agencies discovering non-public registration data


ICANN introduced RDRS to make it easier to request nonpublic registration data for gTLDs. ICANN’s this new service will help law enforcement finding domain owners’ private information and data. ICANN Launches RDRS ICANN-approved registrars have to hide personal information in public records. This makes it difficult to access the information …

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Cyber attack on Sparrso; Hacker’s claim, Sparrso’s denial

A hacktivist group named “Team Network Nine” claimed a cyber attack on “Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARSO). The group claimed that the December 1 attack resulted in Sparrso’s website being down for 1 hour. An Indian media reported on the issue. According to the report, the hacktivist …

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vulncheck report
15,000 Go Module Repositories on GitHub Vulnerable to Repojacking Attack

Repository on GitHub

15,000 Go module repositories on GitHub are vulnerable to repojacking attack, according to new research. VulnCheck chief technology officer jacob Baines shared a report with renowned newspaper where he said, “More than 9,000 repositories are vulnerable to repojacking due to GitHub username changes, “More than 6,000 repositories were vulnerable to …

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Blog post update
Microsoft warns of exploiting critical outlook vulnerability

Microsoft has found a group called Forest Blizzard (also known as STRONTIUM) in Russia using a security vulnerability called CVE-2023-23397 to get into email accounts on Exchange servers without permission. The Polish Cyber Command (DKWOC) is working with Microsoft to stop Forest Blizzard and prevent them from using their tricks. …

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ShadowServer Foundation
About 20,000 Microsoft Exchange Servers at Risk of Cyberattacks

Exchange server

A lot number of microsoft Exchange email servers in Europe, the United States, and Asia are at risk because they are accessible on the public internet. These servers are using an old and unsupported version of the software, which makes them vulnerable to multiple security issues, including some that are …

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Zyxel releases patches to Fix 15 Flaws NAS, Firewall, and AP Devices

Zyxel released patches for 15 security issues affecting network-attached storage (NAS), firewall, and access point (AP) devices. The fixes address critical flaws that could allow authentication bypass and command injection. The three vulnerabilities are listed below : CVE-2023-35138 (CVSS score: 9.8): There is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to …

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Secureworks reports hackers intensify attacks on customers, a major online travel agency, reported that customers have been targeted by hackers. While the agency’s systems are secure, online criminals have scammed many customers by stealing login credentials from the agency’s partner hotels. These criminals then pose as hotel staff to deceive customers. What have the online attacks …

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Exclude 21 institutions
Bangladesh Bank released list of valid 31 audit firms

Bangladesh bank logo

On Tuesday (November 28), Bangladesh Bank has released the list of 31 audit firms qualified to audit the financial reports of banks and non-bank financial institutions. The names of 47 institutions were last published in June 2021. Some institutions were not included in the new list due to various allegations …

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