Thursday , September 19 2024

Recent Posts

Cyber attack on Sparrso; Hacker’s claim, Sparrso’s denial

A hacktivist group named “Team Network Nine” claimed a cyber attack on “Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARSO). The group claimed that the December 1 attack resulted in Sparrso’s website being down for 1 hour. An Indian media reported on the issue. According to the report, the hacktivist …

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Blog post update
Microsoft warns of exploiting critical outlook vulnerability

Microsoft has found a group called Forest Blizzard (also known as STRONTIUM) in Russia using a security vulnerability called CVE-2023-23397 to get into email accounts on Exchange servers without permission. The Polish Cyber Command (DKWOC) is working with Microsoft to stop Forest Blizzard and prevent them from using their tricks. …

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