Friday , September 20 2024

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Palo Alto network shared latest remediation of CVE-2024-3400

palo alto

Palo Alto Networks has given urgent advice to the remediation of a critical vulnerability, known as CVE-2024-3400, which attackers have used to get unauthorized access. The cybersecurity company has provided clear steps for organizations to reduce the risks of this breach and protect their networks from future attacks. Environment: Palo …

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CISA Launches Ransomware Vulnerability Warning Pilot for Critical Infrastructure


Organizations across all sectors and of all sizes are too frequently impacted by damaging ransomware incidents. Many of these incidents are perpetrated by ransomware threat actors using known vulnerabilities. By urgently fixing these vulnerabilities, organizations can significantly reduce their likelihood of experiencing a ransomware event. In addition, organizations should implement …

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WhatsApp warns India to exit, If…


According to the report by several Indian media, social media platform Meta will withdraw its entire service from India if it is forced to breaks encryption. This is what WhatsApp has claimed in the hearing of a case in the Delhi High Court. This was claimed by WhatsApp in the …

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