ICT State Minister Junayed Ahmed Palak said that technical errors are the main reason for data loss. He gave this information to reporters after a meeting with CII-affiliated organizations at the ICT Division on Monday (July 24).
The State Minister said that the investigation committee’s report shows that due to the lack of manpower with technical knowledge in the concerned institutions, the lack of proper monitoring is also responsible for the lack of information.
The inquiry committee has made various recommendations to avoid the repetition of the incident by giving the institution an opportunity to defend itself. However, the investigation report did not show how much customer information was leaked. He also said that the investigation report will be handed over to the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Earlier, citing the international media, various media outlets of the country reported that various personal information including names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and national identity numbers of millions of citizens of the country have been leaked from a website of the Bangladesh government.
In this regard, the government’s cyber issue monitoring organization BGD e-Gov CIRT has issued a situational alert on Saturday (July 8).
CIRT says that CIRT is constantly working on data protection. This agency of the government regularly conducts cyber monitoring of various organizations through various means and provides them with necessary support. CIRT says that they are working on the issue of information leakage recently.
Victor Markopoulos, a researcher at Bitcrack Cyber Security, an international cyber security organization based in South Africa, claims that various personal information including names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and national identity numbers of millions of citizens of the country have been leaked from a website of the Bangladesh government.
He said that suddenly he saw the leaked information on June 27. Within moments, he contacted the Bangladesh Government’s Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-Gov CIRT). According to Markopoulos, the personal information of millions of Bangladeshi citizens has been leaked in this incident.
US online media TechCrunch has published the news regarding this. This US-based media, which publishes information about information technology, claims to have verified the truth of the news about the information leak.