Thursday , July 4 2024

Digital Bank in Bangladesh to Use AI Detect Fake Loans

In his budget speech for the fiscal year 2023-24, Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal announced the launch of a digital bank. He said that the bank would be established to expand and accelerate efforts at financial inclusion.

A committee of Bangladesh Bank has been working on the establishment of the digital bank. The committee has completed the outline of the bank and the minister hopes to launch it in the next financial year.

Researchers detect 28 new Ransomwares in June

Cybersecurity experts found 28 new types of ransomware in June. These malicious programs are a big threat to individuals and...
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Researchers detect 28 new Ransomwares in June

Vote for DHAKA, Vote for ISACA at 6 July

ISACA Dhaka Chapter election is going to be held on Saturday (6 July) 2024. This year 23 candidates will fight...
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Vote for DHAKA, Vote for ISACA  at 6 July

Google to pays $250,000 for KVM zero-day vulnerabilities

Google launched a new bug bounty program called kvmCTF to enhance the security of its Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor....
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Google to pays $250,000 for KVM zero-day vulnerabilities

Brain Cipher Ransomware to Release Decryption Keys free for Indonesia

The Brain Cipher ransomware group to release the decryption keys for Indonesia Terkoneksi on Wednesday. They said their attack aims...
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Brain Cipher Ransomware to Release Decryption Keys free for Indonesia

0-click Account Takeover via Google Authentication

"A critical vulnerability has been identified in the Google Authentication mechanism of the application. By manipulating the ID and email...
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0-click Account Takeover via Google Authentication

multiple vulnerabilities found in apache HTTP server

The Apache Software Foundation has found multiple security issues in the widely used Apache HTTP Server. These vulnerabilities could lead...
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multiple vulnerabilities found in apache HTTP server

Australian four major banks raised alarm on cyber ‘warfare’

An executive from National Australia Bank reveals that the four major banks in the country face continuous attacks, as threat...
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Australian four major banks raised alarm on cyber ‘warfare’

CVE-2024-20399: Cisco NX-OS Vulnerability Under active Attack

There is a security flaw (CVE-2024-20399) in Cisco NX-OS Software that lets an attacker with local access execute commands as...
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CVE-2024-20399: Cisco NX-OS Vulnerability Under active Attack

NCSA to do maximum work with limited manpower: DG Kamruzzaman

Despite the limited manpower and various limitations, efforts are being made to keep the country's cyber space safe, said the...
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NCSA to do maximum work with limited manpower: DG Kamruzzaman

Microsoft Issues CVE Numbers for Cloud Service Vulnerabilities

Microsoft will assign Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) numbers to important vulnerabilities found and fixed in their cloud services. This...
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Microsoft Issues CVE Numbers for Cloud Service Vulnerabilities

The digital bank will be a fully online bank that will offer a variety of banking services, including savings accounts, loans, and investments. It will be open to all citizens of Bangladesh, regardless of their income or location.


Bitdefender Introduces GravityZone Security for mobile

The launch of the digital bank is part of the government’s efforts to modernize the banking sector and make it more accessible to all Bangladeshis. The government believes that the digital bank will help to reduce the number of fake and anonymous loan  in the banking sector and make it easier for businesses and individuals to access credit.

Credit Scoring System to be Introduced

The finance minister also announced the introduction of a credit scoring system. The system will use artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers. This will help to reduce the risk of lending to borrowers who are unable to repay their loans.

The credit scoring system will be voluntary for borrowers. However, the government expects that most borrowers will choose to participate in the system, as it will make it easier for them to obtain loans.

Anonymous Loan

The finance minister also spoke about the issue of anonymous loan. Anonymous loan are loans that are taken out in the name of someone other than the true borrower. These loans are often used for illegal or fraudulent purposes.

The government is working to crack down on anonymous loan loans. The central bank has recently tightened the rules on loan approvals. The government is also working to improve the coordination between different government agencies to track down anonymous borrowers.

Digital Banking and Credit Scoring

The launch of the digital bank and the introduction of the credit scoring system are two important steps in the government’s efforts to modernize the banking sector. These initiatives will help to make the banking sector more accessible to all Bangladeshis and reduce the risk of lending to borrowers who are unable to repay their loans.

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Australian four major banks raised alarm on cyber ‘warfare’

An executive from National Australia Bank reveals that the four major banks in the country …

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