The BGD e-GOV CIRT Cyber Threat Intelligence Unit has noticed a big rise in a type of malware named stealer malware in Bangladesh’s cyberspace. These sneaky programs are good at secretly getting sensitive data like login details, personal information, and secret data from specific systems.
This breach puts financial resources at risk and compromises personal and professional secrets, creating the risk of identity theft, financial fraud, and illegal account access. The malware RedLine Stealer, META Stealer, RisePro, LummaC2, and Raccoon, found increases the risk of digital security on several platforms.
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Recently, there has been a troubling increase in the theft of official and personal information, putting many people and organizations at risk. This has raised concerns about a higher vulnerability to ransomware attacks in Bangladesh. Efforts are being made to identify and address the main sources of these security breaches in order to improve the nation’s cybersecurity.